Assignee: Wayne Ellam Module: Property: Uploaded to Dash Status on Dash: Live Visible?: Visible
[[skills]]Focus, Method
CHANGED Help your student build a daily Homework Habit using the fundamental principles of Deep Focus and the Focus Timer.
[[skills]]Focus, Method
CHANGED!!!!! In this module, your child will build a daily Homework Habit using the fundamental principles of Deep Work and the Focus Timer in the Coachbit App. They will learn how to enhance their focus and get their homework completed more efficiently in short 15-minute bursts, reducing the temptation of procrastination or other devices. They will also set up a dedicated Homework space, learn about the importance of Deep Focus, and experiment with both internal and external rewards to help motivate them to complete their homework.
[[desc]]Ensure your child is completing their new Homework Habit daily, as well as completing all pre-existing habits.
[[desc]]When prompted by your coach, talk with your child about a suitable external reward for consistently completing their Homework Habit.
[[desc]]Help your child be accountable. Homework is a difficult habit to master, so help them to work at consistently getting their homework done.
[[name]]Homework Habit
[[desc]]Your child has successfully built a Homework Habit.
[[name]]How to Focus
[[desc]]Your child understands how to create deep focus and apply the fundamental principles of Deep Work: setting a goal, setting a time limit, and environmental control.
[[name]]Focus Timer
[[desc]]Your child understands how and when to use the Focus Timer tool on the Coachbit App effectively.
[[name]]Dedicated Homework Space
[[desc]]Your child has identified and set up a dedicated Homework Space.
[[link]]Pomodoro Technique
[[link]]Context and State-Dependent Memory
[[link]]The Body-Brain Connection: How Fidgeting Sharpens Focus
[[link]]How to Stay Focused
[[link]]What is Deep Work?
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Deep Work by Cal Newport
Idiot Brain by Dean Burnett